
Saturday, 22 February 2014

System Speed Booster Full


System Speed ​​Booster - application to optimize and improve the performance of your PC. program can optimize the performance as an entire operating system and specific application by changing the large number of settings and options (including hidden, ie inaccessible to the usual way), and find errors that can be removed by pressing a single button, has a neat and easy to-use interface.

With this program you can learn the technical details of his personal computer and control settings, as well as enjoy other easy and convenient features. the ability to optimize your computer and keep it at peak performance, and protect your personal information.

The application will allow you to enjoy the work on the system without errors, high speed, clean and safe network effortlessly. Just a few clicks, and your computer will be almost as good as new, using the System Speed ​​Booster.

Some features of System Speed ​​Booster:
• Good reading of the registry! Able to investigate and clean zahlamlyayuschie registry data.
• The ability to provide data confidentiality
• Switches rapzgon in any game of your choice can be a single click.
• highly configurable interface and well spent
• There is a function to protect data from hackers

Year: 2014
Platform: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7 (32-bit and 64-bit)
Language: English
Tablet: Present
Size: 5.29 MB

Letitbit  / Turbobit  / Vipfile


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